Saturday, January 2, 2016

Primarily Inclined

I've been serving in Primary for over 20 years with tiny little breaks between callings. If it's in Primary, I've held that calling. I think it's because I'm what I like to call Primarily Inclined. I love children and I know how to keep them engaged in a lesson. I hate to see them suffer in boring classes. Generally people who are opinionated about reverent and attentive children are in two camps. In one camp is the opinion that children should learn the skill of sitting like adults, regardless of what is being presented to them. I belong to the other camp. I believe if a child has an engaging lesson, with visual and tactile stimulation they'll learn more and be more interested in attending their primary classes. I'll be released from my current Primary calling tomorrow. I've been teaching with my husband. He came to me today and asked for my help with activities. Yes, sir. I can do that. Let's start a blog!

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