
Sunday, December 16, 2018

December 31–January 6: We Are Responsible for Our Own Learning

Helps for December 31–January 6: We Are Responsible for Our Own Learning

Jesus Christ wants me to follow Him.
You and the children will read many stories from the life of Jesus Christ this year. Help the children understand that the reason we are learning these stories is so that we can better follow Jesus Christ’s perfect example.

Possible Activities

Read the Savior’s invitation, “Come, follow me,” found in Luke 18:22. Play a game where one child does an action and then tells the other children, “Come, follow me.” Invite the other children to repeat the action.

Live Action Video of Christ and the Rich Young Ruler
Image result for christ and the rich young ruler

Illustrated video of The Rich Young Man
Image result for chapter 42 the rich young man

Image result for pixabay music
♪♫♬ "Do As I’m Doing"

♪♫♬ "Come Follow Me" Sing Along Video

Show pictures of people following the Savior in different ways, during His mortal ministry and in our day. You can find pictures in the Gospel Art Book or Church magazines. You can also show the video “Light the World” ( Let the children identify how the people are following the Savior.

Light the World Video:
Image result for light the world

Pictures of Service:
  Image result for helping  Image result for helping    Four men work together to unload a large moving truck, which is filled with cardboard boxes and furniture.Image result for service coloring pageImage result for service coloring pageImage result for service coloring page
Image result for gooD SAmaritan

Help the children think of things they are doing to follow the Savior. Singing “Seek the Lord Early,” Children’s Songbook, 108, could give them some ideas. Let them draw pictures of themselves doing these things.

♪♫♬ “Seek the Lord Early” Sing Along Video:

♪♫♬ “Seek the Lord Early” Music 
♪♫♬ “Seek the Lord Early” Sign Language Video:

The scriptures are true.

Children can gain a testimony that the scriptures are true even before they are able to read them. As you study the scriptures with the children this year, you can help them know for themselves that the scriptures are true.

Possible Activities
Invite the children to tell about favorite gifts they have received for birthdays or other occasions. Bring a gift-wrapped copy of the scriptures, let a child open it, and testify that the scriptures are a gift to us from Heavenly Father.
Image result for christmas present lds.orgImage result for scriptures  A black-and-white illustration of a young boy reading his scriptures in the background with the Bible and Book of Mormon in the foreground.A black-and-white illustration of the young boy Joseph Smith reading the scriptures.A black-and-white illustration of two books of scripture next to each other, one lying flat and the other standing up.A black-and-white illustration of a family of five in their living room reading scriptures together; a mirror, lamp, and vase of flowers are behind them.A black-and-white illustration of a young girl sitting next to a dog in a garden amid the flowers and reading from her scriptures.A black-and-white illustration of a young woman and a boy sitting outside of a Church meetinghouse reading the scriptures together.An illustration of a boy sitting in a chair at a table and reading from his scriptures, with a lamp on one side and his dog on the other.A black-and-white illustration of a book of scripture opened about halfway, with a small ribbon bookmark running down the open page.A black-and-white illustration of of the Book of Mormon lying closed on its side with a small ribbon bookmark seen between the pages.
Show the children some books containing fictional stories, and ask them about their favorite stories. Show them the scriptures, and testify that the scriptures contain the word of God for us and tell of people who really lived and events that really happened.

Share the messages found in 2 Timothy 3:15 and Moroni 10:3–5, helping the children to repeat a few phrases. Help them understand that they can know the scriptures are true for themselves.
A maze activity showing a girl praying and other scenes, including Joseph Smith finding the golden plates.
Hide a picture of the Savior, and give the children clues to help them find it. Help the children understand how searching the scriptures can help us know Jesus Christ. Let the children take turns hiding the picture and giving clues to other children.

Sing together “Seek the Lord Early” and “Search, Ponder, and Pray,” Children’s Songbook, 108–9, and help the children make up actions to go with the words. Share with the children one or two of your favorite scriptures, and tell them how you came to know the scriptures are true. If the children have favorite scriptures or scripture stories, invite them to share.
♪♫♬ “Search, Ponder, and Pray” Sign Language Video:
♪♫♬ “Search, Ponder, and Pray” Music:

...Share the story of the ten virgins (see Matthew 25:1–13; see also “Chapter 47: The Ten Virgins,” New Testament Stories,118–20, or the corresponding video on Ask the children: How are our testimonies like the lamps? Why is it important to have our own testimonies?

Ten Virgins Story
Lantern/Oil Activity:
handout, Preparing for the Lord’s Second Coming

Ten Virgins Video:

Ten Virgins Live Action Video:

activity page: I’m Trying to Be like Jesus

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