
Friday, February 12, 2016

Primary 4 Lesson 8: The Prophet Jacob Is Confronted by Sherem

Primary 4
Lesson 8: The Prophet Jacob Is Confronted by Sherem


Matt and Mandy, March 2009

Increase Your Testimony

A Book of Mormon Story

Book of Mormon Testimonies


I Want to Be a Missionary Now
My Redeemer Lives
Search, Ponder, and Pray
I Know My Father Lives
Stand for the Right
I Know That My Redeemer Lives
This Is My Beloved Son
The Church of Jesus Christ
I Believe in Christ
Called to Serve


Questions about Bearing Your Testimony


1) In class prepare a Testimony Tool Box so you can teach Family Home Evening with it (Passes off a Faith in God requirement).

2) Talk about how the children can testify of Jesus Christ and make this wheel:
The First Vision

3) Talk about what the children can do now to prepare to be missionaries at home and abroad. Make a missionary:
missionary cutouts and poem

4) Talk about how Prophets are brave and fearless in bearing a testimony of Jesus Christ. Of course nobody would follow a prophet who wasn't brave and fearless that way. Play Go Fish by printing out two or more sets of these cards:

5) Talk about Joseph Smith Jr. and how he never recanted his testimony, even when people were trying to kill him.  25 So it was with me. I had actually seen a light, and in the midst of that light I saw two Personages, and they did in reality speak to me; and though I was hated and persecuted for saying that I had seen a vision, yet it was true; and while they were persecuting me, reviling me, and speaking all manner of evil against me falsely for so saying, I was led to say in my heart: Why persecute me for telling the truth? I have actually seen a vision; and who am I that I can withstand God, or why does the world think to make me deny what I have actually seen? For I had seen a vision; I knew it, and I knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it, neither dared I do it; at least I knew that by so doing I would offend God, and come under condemnation.:
Joseph in the Sacred Grove

6) How can reading scriptures prepare you to testify of Christ? Make a mini book:
Ways to Study the ScripturesA black-and-white illustration of the young boy Joseph Smith reading the scriptures.coloring page, Book of Mormon book

7) How can living by Gospel Standards prepare you to testify of Jesus Christ and stand against diversity? Read three Gospel Standards to the class. Have a child come forward and read one of the Gospel Standards to the class and have them leave out a few words. See if the class can fill in the words.:
Gospel standards

8) Review how Samuel the Lamanite was valiant in testifying of the life and mission of Jesus Christ:
A black-and-white illustration of Samuel the Lamanite withstanding the arrows and stones being thrown at him.Flannel board figure

9) Print two of these. Play a matching game and talk about how we can share the gospel with our friends.

10) Pure and Simple Faith. Watch this video. How is this girl's righteous prayer different than Sheram's demanding a sign from God? Can trials strengthen your testimony? How is this girl sharing her testimony now? Her video has 70,000 views on Youtube. Is she boldly testifying of Jesus Christ?

11) Learn to sing "Testimony" In American Sign Language. The ASL video download link is on the right of the screen on this page.

Coloring pages:
A black-and-white illustration of Samuel the Lamanite withstanding the arrows and stones being thrown at him.Flannel board figureA black-and-white illustration of a young boy looking at a picture of of Christ, who is looking off to the side.A black and white illustration of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.A black-and-white illustration of Joseph Smith the Prophet.A black-and-white illustration of two young male missionaries, with books in hand, knocking on a door.A black-and-white illustration of two female missionaries wearing skirts,  sweaters, and name badges, talking to a young girl.A black-and-white illustration of a boy walking a dog next to fence and offering a copy of the Friend to a young girl.A black-and-white illustration of latter-day prophet Thomas S. Monson speaking at general conference.


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