
Sunday, January 3, 2016

Primary 4 Lesson 2

Primary 4 Lesson 2:
Lesson 2: Nephi Follows His Father, the Prophet


Chapter 6: Lehi’s Dream
Chapter 3: Lehi Leaves Jerusalem


1) Story wheel Printable activity. Review what a prophet is and why they are important. Make the craft: Jesus Christ Restored the Fulness of the Gospel through Joseph Smith.

2) Memorize Sixth Article of Faith

3) Print twice and cut out the Lehi's Dream Clipart on this page and this page. Past the images on 3x5 cards to play a memory game where you place the images upside down and take turns turning two over to see if your students can find a match.

4) Print the Book of Mormon Stories picture version of Lehi's Dream. Use them as sequencing cards at the end of the lesson, having children help you put the images in order.
Lehi eating fruit

5) Print and cut these images out. Place them in a sack or bag that is not see through. Have the children take turns drawing one out of the bag and discuss what each means.
Lehi's dream
6) Read the poem "Camping Out in Summer" by Sandra Liatsos and discuss with the children how camping today may be different than camping in Lehi's time. Would they want to be on a camping trip that long?

7) Family Campout hidden pictures activity. Discuss how camping is different for your family than it was for Lehi's.
Funstuff: Hidden Picture
8) Review this valuable Article of Faith 6 information:
Article of Faith 6

9) Discuss how important it was that Lehi's children followed him out of Jerusalem. Print several footprints and have the children follow them across the room to a picture of the Savior on the other side. You could also present the events of Lehi leaving Jerusalem, having one event on each footprint and placing the footprint on the ground as you progress through the lesson. The footprints could lead from one wall with a picture of the prophet to another wall with a picture of Jesus Christ. Need to take up more time? Have the children trace their own foot pattern and cut it out.
10) As you read the scriptures this month, color the space(s) in the picture with that day’s date. When the page is completed, add it to your Book of Peace.
Coloring page

11) Finger puppets!!! Need I say more?
Compass of Faith

12) Print the pictures from "Lehi Leave's Jerusalem" and assemble them into a tiny flip book. Copy/paste each image into a Microsoft Word Doc to print them.
Lehi’s family packed food and tents

13) Complete this maze to find the Tree of Life.

14) PDF printable of Lehi's Dream. Cut out.
tree of life cutouts
Find another version here.

15) Play Journey to the Promise Land game: We printed it on 2 pieces of cardstock by copy/pasting the image into a Word Doc, Cropping the image in half and then doing the whole thing again on the next page of the Doc for the other side.

16) Play the "We're Leaving Jerusalem" chanting game:
I made this one up. 

Child 1 chants, "We're leaving Jerusalem and we're going to take...(Child 1 says something you will take on your trip.)" 

Child 2 repeats, "We're leaving Jerusalem and we're going to take...(Child 1's item and adds child 2's item).  

Child 3 repeats, "We're leaving Jerusalem and we're going to take...(Child 1's item, child 2's item, and adds child 3's item).  

Keep going to see how many things your group can remember to take with them when they leave Jerusalem and prepare to survive in the wilderness.  

Coloring pages:
Flannel board figures  Book of Mormon stories  Tree of Life  A black-and-white illustration of latter-day prophet Thomas S. Monson speaking at general conference.
Lehi's Dream:
Lehi's Dream Vision  family walking towards tree  boy with tent
Four clip art images from Lehi’s dream: the fruit, the path, Lehi, and Lehi’s family.Five clip art images from Lehi’s dream: the great and spacious building, a hand on the rod, Nephi holding the rod, Lehi’s family, and the tree of life.   tent  Matt and Mandy’s family in the car  tree of life

Other Non Resources for this lesson:

Priscilla & Aquila (Acts 18) | Make

Primary 4 Lesson 2 helps Here.

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