
Saturday, January 2, 2016

Primary 4: Lesson 1
Primary 4 Lesson 1:
The Book of Mormon, a Gift from a Loving Heavenly Father


Chapter 3: The Angel Moroni and the Gold Plates (1823–1827)

Older Children:
Book of Mormon: An Introduction

1) Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon
Consider cutting out the figures, putting a strip of paper at the bottom of the characters (Like a paper ring), and having younger classes use the figures as finger puppets. I suggest a copy/paste of the image into a word doc so you can size it to be just right for the children in your class.
Flannel story

2) The Book of Mormon is a keystone: "The prophet Joseph Smith said, “I told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book.” President Benson has also told us that the Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion, and he said that we should study it daily." Source. Print out this Book of Mormon keystone arch reading schedule for the children. Need to take more time? Cut out the stones and have the children assemble and tape/glue their arch together in order on another piece of paper.

3) Make a flip book from this handout:
Ways to Study the Scriptures
4) Make your own metal plates. Give the children a handout with the hieroglyphic alphabet like this one. Cover heavy paper with tinfoil (The dull side up makes writing easier to discern). Give the children a toothpick and have them engrave a message. Challenge them to write something important they want their grandchildren to know.

5) "The Book of Mormon" Activity (Friend Magazine)
Coloring pages:

The familyColor Page

An illustration of a father sitting on a couch and reading a book to his wife, son, and two daughters.  A painting by Tom Lovell depicting Moroni kneeling on a snow-covered hill and resting his clasped hands on the gold plates near a hole by a tree trunk.  A painting by Kenneth Riley of Joseph Smith down on one knee in a grove of trees and holding the gold plates as he looks up at the angel Moroni.  A painting by Del Parson depicting Joseph Smith sitting at a desk translating the gold plates while Oliver Cowdery writes the translation with a quill pen.  A painting by Del Parson depicting Joseph Smith sitting at a desk with his head resting on his elbow while he translates the gold plates to Oliver Cowdery on the other side of a curtain.

Other Non Resources for this lesson:

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